Wednesday 23 April 2014

Unit 3: Romey & J - Shakespearean Theatre (Blog 1)

In this post I am comparing Commedia dell'Arte and Shakespearean theatre. I have created a table to compare the two. It includes both the differences and the similarities:

Spoke in Gromalot
Everyone was involved (acoustics, performers, audience, etc.)
Spoke in English
Women were allowed to take part in the plays, they were paid and were treated as men’s equals
Anyone could come watch the play. It didn’t matter if they had a lot or little money, there was a place for everyone
No woman were allowed to be in the plays. They were played by young boys with higher voices
They used stock characters (Same set of characters for each performance e.g. Columbina)
Both were thought to be devil worshipers by the church
They had different characters for each play. No character was repeated in another play (e.g. Romeo)
Started in the 16th century
They performed during the day because they could not afford candles or oil lamps to light the stage/theatre. (No electricity)
Started in the 17th century
Most of the Commedia characters wear masks throughout the performance
They broke the fourth wall. This means they interacted with the audience throughout the play
Usually wore just makeup on their faces
Their plays could be performed anywhere that they thought would work (found spaces e.g. town square)
Plays were performed in troops of paid actors. They each had a specific art to play. In Shakespeare, if you were the lead male, in every show you were the lead male. In Commedia, if you were Columbina, you were always Columbina.
All the plays were performed and rehearsed in a theatre on the same stage every time; The Globe Theatre.
All of the story lines in Commedia are comedic which means they are meant to be funny almost all the time
The costumes for the shows were always the actors’ responsibility. They had to use their own clothes or get them specially made for a show
Many of the story lines are very tragic and usually the ending is sad and include more than a few deaths

Thank you for reading! (Below sows where I got my information from)


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