Tuesday 25 February 2014

Commedia dell'Arte Unit: Task #6

In our last class, we did our rough draft of our high school stock characters performance.

I chose to play the girl that everyone loves (Katrina). She is popular, but because she is so nice. Everyone is her friend because she is friendly to everyone. She stands tall but has a skip in her step because she is usually happy. I chose to play her because I feel that I can relate to her. I am nice to everyone and I feel that everyone seems to like me at least a little bit.

Their stereotypical feature is her chest because she is also confident in herself. I attempt to center my energy there by walking tall and keeping my head high

I chose to interact with the environment by pretending that I was in a hallway in a school. I interacted with an audience member and she said that she felt welcome in my performance. I used an imaginary person in my performance who I talked to. Also, I used a prop which was a phone. As a take out to the audience I smiled at them  and invited one on stage.

Feedback I got from my performance was not to break character. Also, I should change my walk because it looked like just a normal girl walking around. I had a good take out to the audience by inviting Aditi on stage and she felt comfortable to be up there with me.

In my next performance, I will change how I walk and how I stand. This will make me look more confident and it will be easier to separate my character from a normal person. I will keep my focus on my performance and if someone distracts me, I will incorporate it into my performance so that I keep the flow of it going.

Peer Evaluation

I will be evaluating Amara's performance. She played the rebel who does illegal things like go out to parties and get drunk. Her character is always drunk or having a hangover.

As a prop she used a cup which was filled with imaginary alcohol which she took sips of throughout her performance. This reminded us of her character.

A takeout to the audience that she used was grabbing onto Sapphire's arm and being sick on the floor. She also went to Guglie and fell asleep on him. I think that these takeouts were very well planned.

This is the feedback I gave her:

-Good interactions with props (cup)
-Audience interactions (sleeping + sick)
-Good character
-Got into it/Was committed

-Had a good use of space
-Had a clear beginning middle and ending
-Didn't break character

Bye bye! xxx

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