Saturday 1 March 2014

Commedia dell'Arte Task 7

We did our final performance in class last week.

For my rough draft performance, I chose to play the girl that everyone loves/likes. In my performance, I invited someone up from the audience and walked with them. I got a phone call. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder so I said spoke to them then walked away.
I practiced my performance in class before the performance and also a few times at home.

This is  the feed back that I got for my rough draft performance:
Hair out of face when you perform
Good use of audience member and good “hosting” her through scene
Use Gugli bit
Physicality more defined
Good use of space

For my final performance, I changed how it stood as I said in my previous post. I did this so that I look more defined and not just like an average girl. I also changed my walk. It was more bouncy and less flat. the last thing I changed was when the person tapped me on the shoulder. Instead, someone bumped into me but then I took the blame for it and apologized to the person. I think that my final performance went well but I think that it was hard for the audience to see the difference between my two performances. The piece was clear in my head but not really for the audience. The feedback that I got said that I looked like the same person in my rough draft performance.

I would give myself a 7/10 using the Criterion B descriptors. This is because I performed with a good level of proficiency because I had rehearsed. Also, I had a good idea of what I wanted to do and a theme.

Peer Evaluation

I will once again be evaluating Amara's performance as her character is the opposite of mine. Her character is The Party Girl”—She goes to parties and does illegal things. She portrayed this character very well I think because she was committed to her role. 

For her rough draft performance, this was her feedback:
Waking up from night before?                
Drinking something from cup
More grumpy?
Falling into someone, hugging them, etc.
Pukes, smoking something
Good reaction to Sapphire
Good interaction with Guglie & audience members
Nice parallel going back to sleep
Beginning/Middle/End to scene that was nice
Really committed into character—looked tired but sick but somewhat animated when necessary
Good use of space, but make sure you go where everyone can see you?

A little long?

I believe that she got her character spot on. I liked the beginning, middle and end of her performance because it was something that no one else had. When she walked she stumbled which made her character more believable. She improved from her rough draft performance because she took her feedback into consideration. To improve, she should make sure that her back isn't to the audience. She also spoke during her scene which she wasn't meant to do.

I would give her a 9/10 for her performance because her performance and ideas were very clear to the audience. She performed very well and didn't break character.


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