Tuesday 4 March 2014

Ideas for Commedia dell'Arte Scene

My partners are Farah and Ayasha. We are doing a Commedia dell'Arte scene together. I am Columbina, Farah is The first Actress and Ayasha is Brighella. We also have to include emotions. These are our ideas:

1. Farah is walking with the First actor and I am her maid following her along. Ayasha sneaks up behind us and stabs the First Actor. Farah cries and then faints I scream at the sight of the dead First actor. I help Farah up and then we accuse the audience of the death. Then we catch Ayasha with the knife and she is hung. We choose someone from the audience to hang Ayasha

2. We are all in a carriage and Ayasha is the driver. She hits the horses so that we fall out of the carriage. Audience member helps us back up. Farah breaks her foot. Ayasha makes ambulance sounds and makes the horses rush to the hospital. Audience member holds up Farah's foot while she waits. I badage up her foot and we get back on the carriage. Ayasha maks us fall again. Audience helps us up again.

3. Farah has just got engaged to the First actor and is showing off her ring to me. Then, Ayasha is stealing something and I catch her. I take her to Farah. She has to kiss Farah's hand but steals the ring off her hand. There is panic in the house. Ayasha goes into the audience and asks them to keep the ring. I asks the audience if they have seen the ring. I look behind some of the audience members to look for the ring. Ayasha feels bad and leaves the ring for me to find. I give it back to Farah and she gets married.

We chose idea 3. This is because we thought that it was the most realistic Commedia scenario out of all of our ideas. In the first and second idea, Ayasha purposefully tries to hurt us, but this is not something that Brighella would do since she does not want to really hurt other people but just cause mischief.

Our scenario choice fills most of the requirements that are listed in the rubric. We have two audience interactions but they are quite simple. We have included mimed interactions but only two at the moment which is something that we need to improve on to get a higher grade. We speak in Gromalot throughout the scene and I think that we are okay at using Gromalot.

One weakness that I can already see is our character personality and gestures. They aren't very clear and it can sometimes be difficult to understand which characters we are playing for other people. Our scene structure is good but can be confusing at times which means that the audience might not be able to understand what is going on.

BYE! :-) 

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