Wednesday 19 March 2014

Final Draft Evaluation

In class today, we performed our final draft of our Commedia Performance.

Part 1
The strength of our performance was the use of Gromalot in our performance. This is because we all used Gromalot. Though sometimes it was unclear, I feel that we improved a lot on it because we were actually using what sounded like words most of the time. Another strength of our performance was our mimed interactions. We had five mimed interactions during our scene which I think were very clear and made sense to the audience. We have improved on this from last lesson because we did not have as many mimes in our rough draft performance. 

If I were to score our performance, I would give us a 24/35 (6/10). 

Overall, I think that I tried very hard with this performance. I did as well as I could when speaking Gromalot and tried to stay in character even though Ayasha forgot to do the ending of our performance AGAIN. We practiced our performance quite a lot which helped our performance. I think I did my best. 

If we did have the opportunity to perform again, I would improve our scene structure. This is because, I felt it was a little unclear for the audience even though we had practiced a lot. To improve, we could create a scene structure that was easier to remember (as I touched on before). Also, we would improve our characterization in our performance to make it clearer as to who was who. We did try to improve on this by changing the way that we walk and also the way we speak. I still think that we can improve on this more if we had more time to practice and discuss our performance more thoroughly.

Part 2
A group that did as well as us was Amara and Ibtehal's group. This is because I feel that they met the same descriptors that we did and I would give them roughly the same score I gave my own group Ibtehal played Magnifico and Amara played either Zanni or Harlequino. I wasn't quite sure.

I think that the strengths of their performance included their audience interactions. This is because they made good use of audience interactions and also used takeouts to the audience. The final time of their performance was 4 minutes and 10 seconds which was in the time limit given to us. Another strength of their performance was the structure of the scene. It was clear that they had planned it well as they knew what they were doing and when they had to do it.

If I could, I would score them a 23/35 which is also a (6/10).

I think that they did try to do their best but didn't put 100% effort into their performance. They included most of the elements that have been shown on the rubric and effectively incorporated them into the performance. They also played along with the audience when they did something they weren't supposed to like throw the balls back at Ibtehal. They improvised and made it work. I am not sure if it was planned but it worked really well.

If they had a chance to improve, I would tell them to improve on their use of Gromalot and sound effects. This is because the use if them in the performance was limited as they did not use a lot of it but when they did, it was effective. I would also tell them to improve on their characterization because it was not clear what Amara's character was. This could be because I don't know the characters extremely well though so this is an unfair comment to make.

Part 3
A group that did not do as well as us was Nafisa and Shadman's group. NAfisa played the First actress on Shadman played the captain. I don't think they did as well as us because they did not meet a lot of the requirements listed on the rubric.

The strength of their performance was the use of Gromalot. I thought that it was quite clear even though Nafisa spoke for most of the performance and Shadman just said a couple of words. It was understandable for most of the performance put their were no sound effects used to enhance the performance.

If I were to give them a score, I would give them a 19/35 (4/10)

I think that Nafisa did try her best to perform well but it was difficult because it was clear that Shadman didn't practice and didn't put a lot of effort into his character. If he had tried harder, it would have been quite a good performance. It was clear Nafisa was trying hard since she took on the bulk of the performance whereas Shadman didn't do a lot.

If they had time to improve upon their scene, I would tell them to improve on their character movement and gesture. If they walked in the way that their character did, it would have been a more convincing Commedia scenario. I would also tell them to improve on their audience interactions because they did not have many and the one that they did have was confusing to some of the audience members as they did not know what they were supposed to do. The last thing that they could improve on was their scene structure. Some parts were a bit confusing and unclear and the performance was under the time limit given.

That is all I have to say for now!
Bye xx

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