Monday 17 March 2014

Exploration of Exemplar

In one of our previous classes, we watch a video of the Cirque du soleil cown Amo Gulinello. This is the video link: 

My favourite lazzi (part) of the performance was when he got his hand stuck in her hair. I found this funny because it would be really embarrassing in real life and that is what he made it look like. He was making it look like his hand was really stuck it was actually just placed in her hair. He looked like he was trying really hard to get his hand free.

During the performance, he only used three props. These were two chairs and a rose. All of his other interactions were mimed like the car, the car doors, etc. It was clear that he was in a car because of his clear interactions with the chairs, steering wheel and the mirror. Because of his interactions, we could see that he was talking a walk with her in a park or some other place like that. His character was clear. He was a man looking for love but he was failing to find it because his character was awkward and strange.

He had many takeouts towards the audience that did not include bringing someone up on stage. He made small gestures to the audience that made them laugh like when the girl did something she wasn't suppose to do, he made fun of her to the audience. He did a few of these throughout his performance.

He had a lot of exaggerated emotions during his scene. At the beginning, he was nervous because he was going to meet a girl. Then he was excited because he found a girl and she had agreed to go on a 'date' with him. He got progressively more excited as the scene went on which means he went from a 1 to a 10. But when they got stuck in traffic, he got angry and frustrated that they couldn't move. After this he was in love but this time he went from a 10 to a 1 because she wasn't getting into it and his hand got stuck.

His physicality in the scene was very good as he used the entire stage in his scene. His movements were also exaggerated to help show his emotion to the audience so that they could follow along the scene and understand it. This also had to do with his facial expressions. These had to be big and exaggerated because he was entertaining a large audience and had to make sure that even the people at the back could see what was going on. If he just used normal facial expressions, it would be hard to understand what he was trying to get across to the audience.

I think that the Commedia stock character that he was mostly like was Arlechinno. This is because his major emotion was in love. Arlechinno falls in love with any passing women that he deems attractive. He also makes frequent takeouts to the audience which Amo does too. One of Arlechinno's lazzis, is to lose control and flail around which Amo does often. 

He made great use of sound in his performance. This includes music and sound effects. The music helped to show what was going on in the scene as did the sound effects. The sound effects also explained the mimes because sometimes they would not have been clear like the traffic. Other mimes were clear like closing the car doors. He didn't use too much lighting. The only lighting he did use was when he was finding the audience member to bring on stage.

He made it clear to the girl what she should do by leading the way. When he wanted her to walk, he started walking and then she followed him around the stage. When he wanted her to sit in the chair, he showed her the chair first and then she sat down. This may not have been clear to her because she sat down before he could mime opening the door. He made her feel comfortable because he didn't go too far with her. He made it awkward but he didn't make it so that she didn't want to be there. 

Bye! ;)

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