Tuesday 18 March 2014

Rough Draft Reflection

Hello! Once again, it's me; Kheilah. In class, we performed our rough draft of our final performance task.

Part 1: My Performance Evaluation
In my performance, I think that our mimes and interactions were the best aspect of our performance. I think this because, we used at least five mimes in our performance and they were quite clear. Also, I think that our Gromalot was OK but it can still be improved over time. our performance did go wrong at the end because Ayasha forgot some of our scene which impacted very heavily on the scene and we had to cut it short. She forgot to go fetch something from the audience which is what rounded off our performance.

This is the feedback that we received in class on Wednesday:
*Gromalot seemed to be repetitive
*Go back and research your characters to take a better look at how they move and their personalities
*Some of the audience interactions were confusing
*Plot line was also a little confusing

I think that we can improve by practicing more so that we are comfortable speaking loudly and clearly in Gromalot and also become more confident with it. I have gone back an researched more on the character of Columbina so I now have a better understanding of her which I will put into practice on Wednesday.

Specific improvements that we will make will mainly to be to do with the audience interactions and also the plot line of the scenario. This could include bringing someone up on stage and supporting them through the scene or including more takeouts to the audience. We may also change the plot to make it easier for the audience to understand us.

Part 2: A Group That Didn't Do As Well As Us
One group who's performance wasn't as good as ours was Arman and Farhan. Arman played Maginifico and Farhan played Zanni.

In their performance they did do some things well. This includes that it was clear what characters they were. They used clear movements and lead with their leading body part. This made it easy to determine who was who and what the status level was.

This is the feedback that I gave them:
*There was no Gromalot used little sound
*Would Magnifica hug Zanni? 
*More audience interactions (take outs)
*Don’t set up Zanni
*Back to the audience a lot

I would give them a 19/35 (4/10) based on the rubric

They need to improve on their gromalot because they didn't use any! They only had one sound in their entire performance and it was very short. All it was, was Magnifico shouting 'Oi!' at Zanni. Also, they need to take a look at how the characters treat each other as Magnifico wouldn't hug Zanni, though their characters were clear. Inlude more audience interactions and takeouts to get a higher level.

Part 3: A Group That Did Better Than Us
I think that Guglie and Rohan's group did better that us. Guglie played First actor, and Rohan played Maginfico.

They used Gromalot very well as it helped the scene and we could sort of understand them. They were confident with their Gromalot and almost spoke it fluently! It was as if Guglie knew the language (even though it really isn't a language, it's improvisation). They had a clear structure to their scene and it had a beginning, middle and end.

This is the feedback I gave them:
*Guglie controlled the scene
*Include Rohan more
*Use some sound effects
*Change the characters to make realistic

I would give them a 25/35 (6/10) based on the rubric

To improve, they should each have equal parts in the scene. Guglie kind of took over the scene as Rohan died quite early on in the scene. They spoke well in Gromalot so to improve even more, they could add appropriate sound effects like sad music when Rohan dies instead of Guglie just screaming and crying. I don't think that the first actor would ball his eyes out over Magnifico's dead body or even stab him for that matter. It's more something Brighella would do so they should re-think their characters.

This has been an update by...Moi! So thanks for reading! BYE! xx

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