Monday 27 January 2014

Commedia dell'Arte Performance Task Peer Evaluation

Hello! Me again <3

Referring to my last post, I also have to do an evaluation of one of my peers. Their character had to be the opposite of my character so I chose to do The Witch because she is sneaky and evil but Columbina is sweet and kind. The witch was played by Amara

Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character

I think that Amara's character as the witch was quite weak. Witches are more serious and her performance was more entertaining. She wasn't evil enough to be a believable witch. She could have taken the role more seriously. She did try to play the witch but didn't study her enough and probably didn't practice her performance

How close did they come? What did you like about the performance?

Amara didn't come very close with her performance but some aspects were good. I liked what she was doing in the performance. The evil laugh wasn't the best but it was a good thing to add to the performance.

How can they improve their performance?

Amara can improve her performance by not giggling when she did her evil laugh! She also could have walked differently because it looked as if she was about to fall over. She should have walked more broadly. She didn't look very evil so she should have changed her facial expressions and used her eyes to take out to the audience.

What score would you give them out of 10 based on the Criterion B descriptors? Explain why

I would give Amara a five out of ten. This is because she showed that she had applied the techniques but not very well. Her performance did fit some of the descriptors of what we had to do but it was clear that the performance was unpracticed. She did not use a range of skills.

BYE! xox

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